Alexandrite- the stone has a lovely character–it appeases the carrier, makes him/her more talking, able to agree. Alexandrite helps the carrier develop intuition and magical capabilities, helps develop ideas, reinforce willpower and develop natural magnetism. A man carrying alexandrite gains self-respect. For those who want to reinforce their energy, strengthen the mental, emotional and spiritual aspect of the soul, the alexandrite is the first assistant.

Amazonite - inspires truth, trust, honor, clairvoyance, clarity. Balances male and female energies. Relieves emotional trauma, anxiety, fear. Brings joy at home, increases courage, ensures a good mood, guarantees confidence, helps to get rid of anxiety and insecurity, attracts material well-being, strengthens harmony in family relationships, prolongs the owner's youth. Symbolizes justice, sense, courage, kindness, nobility of intentions. Symbolizes beauty and independence, courage.

The stone of prudence (nobility), strength, wisdom and protection. Symbolizes reverence, humility, truthfulness, health and spiritual wisdom. Purifying crystal - cleanses from negative energy. Soothes emotions, helps to overcome fear, reduces stress, brings peace, helps maintain optimism. Opens and activates the crown chakra, increases spiritual understanding and wisdom.

This mineral is a compound of two types of quartz - amethyst and citrin. Relieves stress and tension, calms consciousness and helps to focus on meditation. Stimulates our creative potential. Ensure optimism and a good mood.

Ammolite, ammonite
Petrified shell from ancient mollusks. This gemstone is created biologically (others are amber, pearls). When wearing amolyte, it enhances the wearer's attractiveness and understanding of all that is beautiful. The masters of Feng Shui consider it a symbol of prosperity. Attracts wealth, health, vitality and happiness. Improves energy circulation in the body. Powerful karma purifier.

Angelite (anhydrite variety). Symbolizes peace and brotherhood. Strengthens contact with angels, spiritual leaders and the higher Self. Promotes mental healing and telepathic communication. Provides protection for the body and surrounding area. Psychologically helps to improve communication and self-expression. Dispels fear, anger and anxiety.

Apatite - a manifestation and acceptance stone. Blue apatite connects with spiritual companions, helps with public speaking, strengthens group communication, opens the neck chakra, treats heart and emotional problems. A stone of inspiration that helps to express itself on all levels. Balances the physical, mental and spiritual body. Increases motivation and creativity.

Promote out-of-body experience by serving as a companion and guardian on the way to other dimensions. Helps to evaluate one self objectively and get rid of outdated belief patterns. Reminds you that when you close one door, another one opens immediately. Shows the limitless possibilities of our potential.

A stone of visualization and emotional healing. Helps prevent and resolve conflicts, disputes and misunderstandings. Reduces stress.

Aventurine has specific magical properties. In a mystical way, he encourages, increases emotions and increases sensuality. Creative people recognize aventurine products as an endless source of inspiration. The subtle bodies carry the energy of heaven and earth and harmonize it in the physical body. Absorbs negative energy, relieves suppressed emotions, blocks obsessive thoughts.
A stone of courage. Improves communication skills. Soothes fear, doubt, sadness, loneliness and increases sensitivity. Sharpens intelligence, intuition and opens up clairvoyance. Protects the aura and arranges the chakras. A good meditation stone helps to get in touch with a person's spiritual being. Provides a sense of harmony and confidence, as well as clarity of mind. Brings inner peace and love for yourself. Forms a protective layer around the energy field. Stimulates the body's natural healing abilities, helps to relieve the overload associated with too much responsibility. Helps to identify personal abilities.

A symbol of wisdom, joy and peace. Brings the healing powers of the sun. Expands the aura, fills it with light, and purges from ethereal toxins. Provides optimism and coziness, soothes, smooths all chakras. Great protection talisman. Considered to help communicate with the spirit. It heats, cleans, charges with energy, converts negative energies. Carrying it in your pocket or purse helps to raise money. It is believed to be of particular help to the people of the earth. Helps implement ideas and increase physical energy. Promotes clarity of mind and development of intuition.


Also known as a cross stone. A stone of balance, stability and harmony. Helps with physical, mental, intellectual and emotional stability by improving problem-solving skills and adaptation to change. Provides support in difficult times, especially when plans fail. Strong protective stone. Conflicts are transformed into harmony. Dispels illusions and reduces fears. Helps relieve emotional and chakra blockages. Strengthens any chakra, helps to overcome the feeling of loneliness or isolation.

A great heart healer. On an emotional level, it heals soul wounds and old resentments.

Symbolizes accuracy and punctuality, develops the organizer's abilities, gives masculinity, attracts luck, frees from fear.

Smoky quartz
Smoky quartz - for protection and grounding. Endurance, dreams stone. Protects against any kind of ambient negativity. Cleanses energy channels, neutralizes negative energy in the aura. If you feel unhappy or in a bad mood, smoky quartz will quickly improve your mood. Reduces radiation from computers and other electrical devices. Absorbs and converts negative energy.

The only gemstone that originated millions of years ago from pine-like ancient resin. There are a lot of forests in the Baltics, so we are still Land of Amber on the shores of the Amber Sea. Our predecessors not only noticed the nuanced beauty and easy work-ability of this stone - it is quite soft - but also realized the magical properties, believing that amber increases strength and vitality, brings good luck and strengthens health, confuses the plans of the bad and protects from the evil eye.

Phantom quartz
Inclusions of other crystals or minerals in rock crystals. Although the color of the phantom will vary from crystal to crystal, depending on the type of mineral in the environment. The phantom looks like a "ghost" of a crystal in another crystal. Phantoms are believed to have great healing power in helping to assimilate the past. You can use phantoms to promote inner growth and when you need help to understand and solve past problems in your life.

It is basically a combination of phosphorus and iron. It is found in nice shades of pink, purple and lilac. The healing stone phosphosiderite works wonders with the heart and third eye chakras to balance these energy centers and allow a better understanding of the spiritual path. It can help communicate with angels and is a wonderful crystal to use in meditation. Use phosphosiderite helps to better understand your past life and the events of that life. It is a great stress reliever. Physically, phosphosiderite can help with insomnia if it is placed under a pillow; relieves upper respiratory ailments such as colds / flu and other lung infections.

It teaches you how to combine unconditional love with "strong" love, when you can say "no" in situations where you have to keep the right distance to maintain a good relationship. A stone of inspiration, intuition and creativity. It connects the intellect of the mind with the intuition of the heart. Develops quick thinking. Helps to overcome emotional shock.

The stone of fire, passion and power. Garnet gives energy, courage and endurance. Helps focus and reveal lies. Increases sexual energy. But the most important feature of Garnet is considered to be the ability to arouse very strong passions in its owner. For people who are energetic, passionate, with a great emotional return, this stone brings good luck, success and evokes the rise of creative success.

Holy stone (stone of harmony). Symbolizes kindness and willingness. Reflects mental flexibility and word skills. Blue chalcedony has a gentle, flowing energy. It creates a balance between mind, body and spirit. It increases generosity, responsiveness and perception. Promotes peace, reduces anger and irritation. Balances and creates mental and emotional stability. Blue chalcedony is excellent for clairvoyance, intuition, telepathy and energetic healing. There is a special connection with the realm of angels. Protects against evil (‘evil eye’, black magic). Absorbs and dissipates negative energy.

Mind stone. Used to improve relationships and increase intuition. Hematite reminds you that there are only those restrictions that you impose on yourself. It helps to balance emotions and energies between body, mind and spirit, soothes anger. Hematite not only dispels negative energies, but also transforms them into the energy of love of the universe. Discover the world from the other side by paying attention to the various signs, the Guardian Angel's warnings. For people who are physically and emotionally cleansed, hematite helps to maintain more light and energy. It warms and activates the body, creating a feeling of strength (internal energy).

Herkimer Diamond
The most powerful of all quartz crystals. A powerful energy leader of the universe. "Alignment" stone, which helps to adapt well to another person, group or environment (great for group work).

Easy to paint, so it is often used to imitate turquoise. A particularly soothing stone used to reduce all types of stress. Helps well against insomnia caused by an overactive mind. Placed in a pocket, it absorbs personal anger, or other anger directed at you. It is believed to protect against unwanted phantoms. Removes blockages, restoring the unity of body, mind and spirit. Helps free the mind from negative thoughts.

Associated with peace, intuition, patience and selfless love. A powerful source of life force energy. Helps to clear the subconscious from negative feelings, guilt, fear and tension, bringing inner strength. Cleanses and refreshes all chakras with energy. Improves communication skills and opens mental vision, strengthens intuition. Helps to overcome phobias and provide motivation. Helps the soul against over-sensitivity and frustration.

This stone is known as the joy stone and is also called the great equalizer. It is very balancing and can be very useful in the treatment of loneliness and heartache as well as depression. This beautiful gemstone has a very strong healing energy and is also used to help yourself stay at the center of your heart at all times. Helps prepare the body for a new period of life, provides good sleep and general relaxation. Money stone.

A wide group of minerals with a large variety of colors and their combinations. A stone of softness and relaxation. Improves the ability to relax, brings peace, fullness and healing, especially in times of stress. Helps in astral travel. Provides protection and absorbs negative energy, including electromagnetic and environmental pollution. Stimulates the imagination and turns ideas into action. Smooths, arranges chakras. Jasper is a stone of stability. Jasper protects against negative things, reduces emotional stress. Protects from the evil eye, brings happiness, develops intelligence, improves memory, restores the body's strength.

Iolite (cordierite, water sapphire). The stone of vision. Strengthens the aura, balances Yin and Yang, strengthens intuition. Helps with money problems and become financially independent. Enhances mental abilities, psychic talents, thought processes and curiosity. Strengthens friendships and partnerships. Helps dispel fears and anxieties, perceive the flow of information, and reduce life's disagreements, allowing you to enjoy every moment.

Cat's eye
Helps to understand the language of “birds and animals ”. Provides Family strength, strength, strengthens kinship ties. Treats vision and heart, normalizes heart regime. Gray-green color - protects not only its owner, but his whole family and its belongings, strengthens it. A very loyal friend if you have the same qualities. Protects love from betrayal. Promotes health, prosperity, love. Stabilizes and strengthens the spirit.

Calcite broadens a person's consciousness, gives new opportunities, allows to anticipate the course of events, helps in new beginnings and make new friends. This stone is handed over to the heirs, introducing the stone to the new owner.

The set of bright colors combines a lot of energy. It protects against negative energies and emotions. The vertical rainbow stripe stone expresses the balance of mind of the wearer and affects human actions and emotions. It promotes the flow of ideas, trust, perseverance to complete the work. Rainbow calsilica develops creativity in many areas and helps to develop, harmoniously affects the balance between nature and the universe. The colors in this stone help the wearer to achieve goals and success easily and effectively.

Mountain Crystal
Will give clarity of mind. Point to resources that will lead to the goal. The information field has everything you need, the crystal will help you to perceive and understand it. It also helps to develop sensor talents, brings field and clarity in understanding, art in contact with people, seeing the hidden, understanding the unspoken. Like an amulet, a montain crystal clears room around the owner from negative influences.

Kyanite colors - blue, green, white, dark gray and black. Blue (most common) - encourages peace and quiet, as well as improves communication and mental understanding. A crystal with an extremely light and fast vibration that instantly activates the higher chakras and carries enlightenment. Helps to quickly enter deep meditation. Promotes speech skills. Good for meditation and relaxation. Kyanite does not store negative energy, so it should never be purified. Attracts light beings (angels, spiritual leaders). Balances the chakras (sometimes very fast and suddenly). Removes blockages. Cleanses the energy field and creates a protective shield. Helps to open the third eye, which promotes telepathy, intuition, clairvoyance and other mental abilities.

Coral is a good support for meditation and visualization. Coral symbolizes the life force. Dark red coral is used to stimulate blood circulation and it has male energy, it symbolizes passion and love. For white coral - feminine energy. The pink hue restores peace of heart. The stone is used as a remedy for depression, apathy. Improves memory, stimulates intellectual abilities, logical thinking, gives optimism and a sense of security, controls emotions, makes people smart.

The stone of romantic love. Helps relieve fear, anxiety and depression (because kunzite contains lithium), providing a deep feeling of peace, strength and confidence. Strengthens the energy field, cleanses the aura and the environment of negative energy. Helps to recover from a longer period of loneliness, when it can be difficult to trust and reopen to another person. Reduces prejudices against new ideas and directions that prevent life from developing further. Helps with love in partnership, close friends, and promotes love of nature.

Lepidolite (muscovite, phlogopite) - a mineral of the mica group. A stone of peace and transition. Promotes independence in achieving goals, protects from external influences, removes daily stress, depression, and provides deep sleep when placed under a pillow. Brings deep emotional healing, gives hope, a sense of security. Attracts good luck and drives out negations. Activates the intellect, heart, throat and third eye chakras.

The energy of rhodonite empowers man to follow his intuition, the power of the Soul, to teach him to find answers to the questions that have been hidden. Its nature is to show the hidden in true light. This stone provides an opportunity to naturally prove our faith in ourselves - by showing that by trusting in the impulses of the Soul, we always find the right keys to solving important and even difficult issues.

A good stone for love and relationships, especially for those who don't feel loved. A great healer of the emotional body. Balances physical and mental energies, reducing depression and increasing positive outlook. Improves self-esteem and relieves emotional stress. Helps reduce unfounded fear and paranoia. Increases creativity, promotes intuition and gives peace of mind. Stimulates the flow of energy in the solar plexus and the third eye. Promotes self-love and self-forgivness.

Rose quartz
Love stone - opens the heart chakra to all kinds of love (love for yourself, family love, platonic love and romantic love). Creates a strong sense of self-esteem, self-confidence, compassion and tolerance. Helps in partnership and heal old negative emotions such as anger, fear, resentment, as well as heals emotional wounds and injuries, even sadness, providing inner peace. Heals both physically and emotionally. Lets open up and accept love. Protects against environmental pollution by replacing it with the vibrations of love. Teaches to better understand oneself and others, increases intuition, helps to rise above personal interests and feel the love of the universe.

Rutilated quartz (quartz type with needle-shaped rutile (titanium dioxide))
A crystal that moves energy on all levels. Cleanses the aura and replenishes it with energy. Increases mental and physical stability. It is believed that it attracts love and stabilizes partnerships, helps to better understand oneself and others. This can help the slowed chakra activity return to balance and normal movement. Emotionally, it can reduce loneliness and guilt by providing a sense of joy.

Tectite is a type of silicon formed by meteorites crashing into ground. Attracts abundance at all levels. Tectite is known for raising vibrations and strengthening the aura, making it a wonderful stone for those who work to develop spiritually during this lifetime. During meditation, tectite can be used to broaden consciousness beyond current limitations and bring a deeper insight into current situations or problems.

Tourmaline quartz
This clear quartz with black tourmaline grains has a double power. The combined forces of clear crystal and black tourmaline reflect the opposite of the universe and the law of polarity. They represent yin and yang in us. It helps to break down harmful habits that hinder growth and development. The stone rebuilds and balances the aura. Tourmaline is extremely electrified and sensitive.

Magic stone - awakens the mystical and magical abilities, as well as psychic forces. It protects the aura, and cleanses it of negativity, closes it so as not to blow away the energy. If you are "exhausted", it will give you energy. Placed on the neck chakra, promotes better communication skills. With Labradorite, you can discover self-sufficient abilities and develop them, such as intuition. Labradorite allows you to understand your destiny - the path you chose before you came here on earth.

This is the energy of the new age that embraces the cocoon and cleanses and protects the human biological field and positively charges it. This stone symbolizes depth - a symbol of a clear sky, joy and a bright future. Probably because it inspires the wearer, helps to discover talents and find his way in life. Not for nothing - it prevents depression and restores joy of life, faith in all good and light in us. Larimar bearers stop being critical of others. Larimar helps unmarried people find their other half so they never lose it again.

It is associated with self-confidence, justice, openness. It is an ancient stone of physical and mental health that promotes spiritual healing, peace of mind and willpower, increases physical abilities and moral growth, cleanses the aura, gives a sense of spiritual purity, promotes a sense of common sense and truth, strengthens friendships, helps solve love problems.

A very strong grounding and calming stone. An emotional rebirth stone that allows you to "drop" unwanted emotions and habits. Fantastic stabilizer and grounding of the basic chakra. Strengthens self-confidence and helps to fulfill your wishes - a very good helper for shy and indecisive people. Especially suitable for people of hot-blooded nature - it helps to control emotions and temperament.

Magnetite (magnetic iron ore). Magnetite is a magnet with strong positive and negative poles. The cornerstone used by crystal healers to organize the flow of energy in the body. It attracts, repels, energizes and soothes. Acts as a grounding stone. Helps with telepathy, meditation and visualization. Provides stability, balances the intellect with emotions, promotes reliance on intuition. Attracts love, trust and loyalty. Reduces negativity such as anger, fear and sadness.

A stone of protection, balance, transformation and relationship. Connected to the green beam. Malachite is also called the "mirror of the soul" - it reaches the inner senses and reflects them, negative or positive, so it is not recommended to wear malachite when you feel negative. It also absorbs negative energy and pollution, including helping to extract negative energy and blockage from the body. Malachite can promote concentration and astral vision.

Black tourmaline / Schorl
Helps to purify the energy field (aura) and protect from negative energies (including radioactive and electromagnetic radiation). It is believed that this not only protects against negative energies, but also helps to avoid becoming an energy extractor victim. Negative energies are converted into positive ones. Promotes a positive attitude towards life. Brings good luck and joy. Helps to clean the physical body from toxins.

The stone of inner growth and strength. Brings good luck, helps predict the future, increases intuition, brings success in love and brings success on land and at sea. Balances male and female vibrations. The moonstone provides confidence and serenity. Opens the heart and allows energy to heal the lower chakras. Reduces emotional trauma. Gently soothes the energy field (aura), cleanses from negative energy. Strengthens natural protective instincts. Intuitively helps to follow the right direction. Attracts people's hearts, helps to get rid of emotional tension and fear of the unknown.

The new generation stone is believed to have extraterrestrial origin (originated from a meteorite that struck the earth) and is associated with the legendary Holy Grail stone that fell from the sky. Moldavite is considered a symbol of Divine power. Cleanses blockades, awakens the heart's intelligence, disconnects from unhealthy attachments. Helps to trust yourself by giving self-confidence, strength and success.

This stone is able to dissipate any bad energy, cleanse the human bio-field and home from the negative. It protects the family hearth: marital links, peace and harmony in the family, contributes to the continuation of the family.

Nephrite / Jade
Balance and healing stone. Helps connect with the inner self. Brings joy, love and richness of life (including money). Can be used as a protective stone. Provides simplicity, clarity, courage, justice and wisdom. A stone of peace, bringing clarity of thought, releasing from negative thoughts. Reduces emotions of anxiety and fear. It is believed that jade can promote longevity.

A powerful protective stone that creates a shield against any kind of negative energies. Obsidian is very sensitive to help protect against depression, tension and mental stress. Brings clarity of mind and dispels clutter, helps focus. Dispels emotional blockages and past injuries. It can free you from deep subconscious fears.

Black Onyx
Self-control, grounding stone (onyx variety is sardonyx). Injects natural energies, provides more inspiration and ensures objectivity. Helps to hear and listen to the inner voice. Helps with emotional balance, self-control and stress relief, as well as becoming more persistent, humble, with better morals, deeper thoughts and spiritual strength. Cleanses negative emotions. Dispels sadness, grief, helps to end unhappy, tedious relationships. Protects against negations (also from the "evil eye"), and stops the flow of energy, exacerbates the senses, increases endurance, strength, steadfastness, endurance, rigidity. Helps harmonize the rhythm of daily life, allowing you to find peace and inspiration. Helps to restore the body after exhaustion. Creates inner peace and helps to concentrate during meditation.

In treatises on the healing powers of stones, opals are considered to be stones that help feelings flow freely and enhance creative origins. Fiery red opals give courage, endurance, willpower and energy - this is the view of magicians and healers. Thanks to their strength, they help to get rid of old images and thoughts, as well as create space for everything new. The warm fiery orange-red color has a beneficial effect on the psyche and conveys deep feelings of warmth, peace and harmony.

Fire Opal
The warm fiery orange-red color has a beneficial effect on the psyche and conveys deep feelings of warmth, peace and harmony. Energetically, opal includes seven spectral colors and is thus very powerful as a healer. Opal is a talisman of talented people and practicing healers. A gold ring with white opal is a talisman for medical professionals, giving them the ability to alleviate the suffering of others. It has the energy of money, protection and healing.

Abalone Shell
Promotes family strengthening and well-being. Helps to focus. Modern healers believe that pearls help to strengthen the body's health, immunity and work capacity. Pearls, mother-of-pearl, as well as the essence of pearls, in ancient times, but then also in the Middle Ages, were attributed healing and strengthening power. Earrings from shells were worn to improve hearing.

Symbolizes love, good luck and happiness. Pearls are available in different shades from white to black. The pearl eliminates emotional imbalances. It is believed that the pearl helps to look at yourself from the sidelines and build self-esteem. It is a symbol of modesty, innocence, purity and morality.

Peridot / Chrysolite / Olivine
A stone with strong energy. Provides healing and vitality to the whole body, stimulates the mind. It helps to connect with the Divine mind during meditation. The stone of expression of all desires, including prosperity and wealth (to attract and keep money, peridot with lemon is recommended to carry in a wallet). Neutralizes physical, emotional and mental pollution. Promotes mental clarity, emotional balance, security, inner peace and the ability to make a certain decision. Helps against hypersensitivity, frees from self-pity.

Beneficial effect on the nervous system. It helps to improve the mood, lift the overall tone and increase work capacity. Pyrite products charge the body, normalizing all internal processes. Helps to purify mental processes, dispel embarrassment, deal with problems. Encourages decision-making and action. Strengthens the immune system.

A type of tiger eye, sometimes called the eagle's eye (not to be confused with the hawk's aye). Pietersite is believed to contain the "keys to the kingdom of heaven," dispelling illusions, helping to recognize the beauty of the soul, providing man with courage, endurance, and attaining fearlessness. It helps to relax, soothe emotional outbursts, release the limitations of creativity, and discover the divine potential. Facilitates travel through spheres of existence, culminating in access to acashic records. Wearing over the heart it helps to trust yourself, the heart to release blockages and fears.

The stone of unconditional love and divination, as well as a good stone of protection - protects at all levels. Strengthens life force, intuition and increases energy. It is believed to be associated with the Archangel Raphael. Promotes spiritual communication through meditation or visualization, stimulates inner understanding and mental abilities. It teaches how to be in harmony with the forces of nature and the elements. Relieves nightmares, phobias and deep fears. Restores strength to the personal healing environment (prenite can be used by healers themselves). Strengthens the aura, balances chakras and meridians. Helps to forget the painful events of the past.

Mineral - corundum type - bright red, transparent corundum crystals. Ruby - a stone of expression and fertility. One of the alchemical properties of this stone is giving a feeling of bliss. Helps protect against psychic attacks, acts as a barrier against those who drain energy. Gives the body energy and balance, helps to feel more sexually active. This stone teaches not to be afraid of death, but to use everything that life provides. The ruby helps us to see the true nature of love, and reveals Divine love in every case in the universe. Strengthens the body and restores energy.

Sapphire (blue) - cleansing and centering stone. Helps cleanse unwanted clutter, relieves anxiety, relieves tension and provides peace of mind. Improves communication skills and provides a deeper level of cognition, inspiration and intuition. A stone of prophetic wisdom and protection. It is believed to promote joy, faith and hope.

Sunstone / Heliolite
Sunstone will strengthen your confidence in your strength. Sunstone is the guiding (management) stone. Dispels fear and stress, increases vitality, promotes independence and originality. It helps to see more clearly when decisions need to be made and develops the ability to act in accordance with the highest will and to be confident in a decision that affects others in a positive way. Sunstone strengthens its owner's self-discipline, humility and striving for better results.

The name of the stone comes from the word “Seraphim” (angels of the highest order). A stone of high vibration, spiritual education and light energy. It is believed to attract higher angels and spiritual guards by allowing them to communicate with them. Strong protective stone. Provides love, harmony, balance, understanding and strength. Allows you to see the truth, enjoy the beauty of life, and face challenges. Bring order to chaos. Has an extraordinary healing power. Freed from unnecessary emotional energies, fear of the unknown.

Carnelian (serdolik, sard) - a type of chalcedony. An action stone that gives courage and confidence to move forward in a new way of life. Stimulates sexual energy. Career and strength stone, helps make decisions, stimulate analytical skills, and make choices. Protects against negative emotions (bad character, anger), diseases and neuroses. Dispels sadness and depression.

Serpentine - helps to find a purpose in life and get rid of the rubble of the past. Soothes and relieves emotional stress. Relieves emotional pain and physical pain in the heart area, stabilizes the body's energy field.

Scolecite (white zeolite). High vibration stone. It emits a deep and relaxing peace that flows through the whole chakra system and aura. Cleanses the aura and removes blockages. Great stone for meditation, or for those who want to open the third eye chakra. Scolecite is considered to be one of the stones that helps to communicate with extraterrestrial beings as well as with interdimensional beings (angels, spiritual leaders, etc.). Improves the connection between group members or helps individualists to be more tolerant of others.

The stone of successful love, hope and wisdom. Soothes and balances, helps relieve emotional outbursts. Promotes personal growth. Helps to understand life changes and new choices. Can be used as a self-cleanser of any depressing negative energies. By placing it above the heart chakra during meditation, it helps to open the chakras and helps the activated love come into life. Strengthens mental abilities, attracts money, helps predict the future. It is believed that it helps to maintain youth and prolong life. Strengthens communication skills and understanding. The strongest influence of emeralds is in the full moon.

The eye of Shiva
The eye of Shiva - as a symbol of the third eye of the Hindu deity Shiva, represents wisdom, the ability to look beyond the world invisible to the eye.

As a talisman, it can be used to strengthen love and family happiness. The most common talisman is rings or earrings with this stone. A talisman of people whose professional activities involve constant travel and work that requires quick decisions. Need to wear for active people. It is believed that in the hands of stomping people, spinel loses its magical properties.

Opens the third eye and mid brain chakras, helps to understand man's mission on earth and spiritual purpose. Explains and reinforces dreams. Helps the human body to act as a driver that carries spiritual energy and reflects physical energy in space. Reduces insomnia, especially when caused by mental overload. Brings positive feelings, optimism and hope for the future.

The stone of happiness and "communication". A symbol of success, victory, hope, health, prosperity. Protects against accidents, the evil eye and against lightning strikes. The stone of "leaders" of brave people, capable of leading the fight against evil, gives them authority and power. It gives peace, abundance and wealth to good and decent people (honest, fair, compassionate). Prevents unnecessary waste of power, helps to realize talent, achieve a goal. Promotes joy and kindness, helps to make decisions. Stops adventurous and emotional people from excessive passion and low instincts in a timely manner.

Titanium druzy
Titanium druzy is a natural agate dross (agate with rock crystal particles on top) coated with titanium particles by a special method in a vacuum. It has a beautiful, gentle, matte sheen and a play of rainbow colors. Such a crystal acts on all chakras and connects its wearer with the mysterious world, carrying very high frequency, but at the same time soft frequency energy. This strengthens the bond with the human guardian angel. It also has all the characteristics of agate.

Tiger eye
Also called cat's eye, falcon's eye or hawk's eye. Use the tiger's eye to increase your focus, this way you can become a very successful person. In a tiger's eye jewelry, its wearer brings good luck and protection from the evil eye. It also brings a clear mind and attention. The tiger's eye is the mind, not the body stone. This strong stone must be worn carefully. It helps to focus the mind. The magicians believed that the tiger's eye attracts and directs solar energy, directing it at the human body. Modern people claim that the tiger's eye will help cope with jealousy and protect against danger. Jewelry will help you cope with fatigue and fight stress faster.

Soothes, heals, stimulates, charges and harmonizes the meridians of the body - directs energy where it is most needed. Provides joy, generosity, abundance and good health. Promotes clairvoyance. Topaz is also known as the stone of love and success. Reduces tension by promoting relaxation. Helps solve problems and express ideas. Provides clarity and logic in any situation. It is believed to help in the fight against fear, including fear of darkness, as well as helps to purify the soul and karma. Has a protective effect (against negative energies).

In folk medicine, tourmaline is thought to have an effect on the endocrine system. The healing effect of this mineral depends on its color. Green stones help with liver disease. Blue tourmaline remove nervous tension, relieve the effects of stressful situations, improve sleep, relieve insomnia and nightmares. Light blue tourmaline improve vision, remove headaches. Modern lithotherapists believe that these stones increase immunity, give a person a feeling of joy and peace. Watermelon-colored tourmaline attracts love, regulates human male and female energy, because the green part of the stone nourishes the life force, the pink part - harmonizes. Black tourmaline is a very strong stone that brings good luck and protects its wearer.